

Grant Program

Supporting Sustainable Initiatives


Grant Program for Cities

Our grant program is developed for cities who need financial and technical support to develop ambitious climate action plans that target zero emissions and 100% renewable energy by 2040.

Our technical team, SSG, developed CityInSight, a state of the art city-scale energy, emission, and finance model. The tool enables cities to explore energy and emissions scenarios for policy, finance and infrastructure. It is built with integrated spatially-explicit land-use and transportation components, and stocks-and-flows accounting. The model enables bottom-up accounting for energy supply and demand, including energy sources (e.g.: renewables, coal, oil, gas), energy consuming stocks (e.g.: vehicles, appliances, dwellings), and all intermediate energy flows.

We use CityInSight to support cities in modeling scenarios to develop plans that achieve the 1000 Cities targets and offer grant funding services to cities in need of financial support to implement these plans.

Apply here for grant funding and technical support to help your city develop a state of the art climate action plan:


